2015 Featured Artist: Sarah Mandell

Sarah Mandell grew up in Maryland, inspired by just about everything, and when it came time to choose a career path, the choice was easy: commercial interior design. Sarah graduated in 2005 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Environmental Design from Maryland Institute College of Art.
After a few years of contributing to the A & D industry, Sarah was enjoying the work immensely, but began to miss the fulfillment of creating with her hands, so she started a handmade jewelry business called Once Again Sam.
By day, she worked as an interior designer, by night, a jewelry designer, and the two influenced each other in ways she never imagined.
In 2010, Sarah and her husband moved from the DC area to Greenville in search of a different pace of life. By this time, Once Again Sam had boomed from a simple side hobby to a successful small business, so Sarah began to balance her time more evenly between interior design and jewelry. Since relocating to the upstate, Sarah has worked for LS3P in the Worship Studio, assisting churches all over the country, and has continued to grow her small business.
Sarah can be reached by email: onceagainsam@gmail.com
Her handmade jewelry and fiber art can be found @ www.onceagainsam.com
Sarah’s portfolio and blog can be found @ www.sarahmandell.com